Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Its been awhile since I've posted...I've been hesitant to post anything, not sure what to say, how to put to "paper" all of what has been running through my head. I've been reading a lot though, other blogs, websites, books and talking with a lot of people.

I think anyone who has been reading the past few entries in here, or whose blog I ahve commented on, or who has had any semi-serious conversation with me in the past few weeks knows that where my mind has been; sustainability. I started reading Food Not Lawns, which lead to books on permaculture and sustainable agriculture, which led to me joining several email lists that offered information on those topics. There is one, on yahoogroups, called FoodWaterShelter...not specifically a permaculture group but a sustainbility group...not exactly a fun, newbie friendly group either, heh, but I've still been getting more than enough info from it to keep me busy. And, as tends to happen on the internet, one site leads to another, leads to another, and another. And I found out about Peak Oil And I thought, holy shit, we're fucked.

And I did some more readng, read some more blogs. Mostly blogs, as more than anything, I need to know what others are doing. And then I found the 90%reduction group on yahoo. And I found a whole lot of people who agree with the above assessment, but who are trying their hardest to do everything they can to play at little part in that fucked-ness as possible. The goal is to cut back one's personal/household carbon footprint by 90% of the national average. When I have more time, I'm going to post some figures about this, but considering I have to walk a dog, oh, 5 minutes ago, that will have to wait for another day. Basically, we are sucking up far far more than our fair share and taking the rest of the planet down with us, quickly....within the forseable future quickly. And, because that scares me, terrifies me, I am changing things. A lot. Everyday little things that will hopefully add up.

Because, people, I want children, and I want my children to be able to experience some of the beauty of this world and I want them to be safe and secure and happy, even if its not by living in the same, disgustingly decadent and wasteful way we are now. So I need to change things now, before its too late.

So that's what I've been thinking about, that and a million other things that have to do with these changes and these fears and these impending realities. Expect a lot more from me about these issues in the next few weeks, because I have a whole backload of posts waiting to be written.


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